Осторожно! Укро пропаганда ворует идеи и людей из СССР.
Верховная власть на Вукраине поддерживает в стране военно-осадный психоз, ...
О пропаганде и героях
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![]() Осторожно! Укро пропаганда ворует идеи и людей из СССР. Верховная власть на Вукраине поддерживает в стране военно-осадный психоз, ... О пропаганде и героях
Понравилось ![]() ![]() Свобода передвижения, партийных убеждений и вероисповедания Промежуточные перемоги Майдауна. (Часть 3.2 И ещё раз о Свободах)
О том, что стало со «Свобод... И ещё раз о Свободах ![]() Мы боролись за Свободу слова! Промежуточные перемоги Майдауна. (Часть 3 — Свобода слова)
На Майдауне: «Мы боролись за Свобо... ![]() Перемоги, которые достались маленькому украинцу Промежуточные перемоги Майдауна. (Часть 2-я)
Первая перемога громадян случилась во время Майд... Доброй ночи, статья для полуночников) ![]() За что и против чего боролись на Майдане? Итак, вот уже два года прошло после того как на Вукраине, наконец-то, восторжествовал полный Майдаун... За что и против чего боролись на Майдане?
Понравилось ![]() ![]() Революции и беженцы связаны одной цепью с Европой Сразу после окончания Второй мировой войны США стали выявлять среди военнопленных и беженцев, а такж... Добрый вечер, написал пару строк про революции, беженцев, Европу и связь между ними. https://zhestokij-realist.ru/jr/revolyutsii-i-bezhentsy-svyazany-odnoj-tsepyu-s-evropoj/ Революции и беженцы связаны одной цепью с Европой Сразу после окончания Второй мировой войны США стали выявлять среди военнопленных и беженцев, а такж... Добрый вечер, написал пару строк про революции, беженцев, Европу и связь между ними. https://zhestokij-realist.ru/jr/revolyutsii-i-bezhentsy-svyazany-odnoj-tsepyu-s-evropoj/
Понравилось ![]() ![]() TURKEY AND IRAN PLUNDER IRAQ. In the first part of our article we noticed that about 50% of the stolen and exported from Kirkuk oil — are intended for Israel. Two companies are engaged in these deliveries: 1) «BMZ Limited» headed by the son of the president of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan – Bilal Erdogan; 2) the international Swiss trader of «Trafigura» – the main business partner of the «Rosneft» ... TURKEY AND IRAN PLUNDER IRAQ. In the first part of our article we noticed that about 50% of the stolen and exported from Kirkuk oil — are intended for Israel. Two companies are engaged in these deliveries: 1) «BMZ Limited» headed by the son of the president of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan – Bilal Erdogan; 2) the international Swiss trader of «Trafigura» – the main business partner of the «Rosneft» company. According to the Italian mass media («Corriere della Sera», «La Repubblica»), the BMZ Limited company headed by the son of the president of Turkey – by Bilal Erdogan, kneaded in corruption scandal with the authorities of Iran. It is probable that the Iranian authorities are also engaged in smuggling in stolen oil from Iraq. And «KSIR» contains on oil money. The prosecutor’s office of Bologna (the city in the north of Italy) began concerning Bilal Erdogan investigation on a charge of washing of means. We will remind: in the operation «Clean Hands on Bosphorus» — as call these events in Italy — also Erdogan’s family was involved. On material a consequence, on February 20 in telephone conversation between the President of Turkey Recep Erdogan...Arayik Sargsyan, academician, Honorary Consul of Macedonia in Armenia, President of Academy of Geopolitics, the Representative of AIC in Iraq.http://www.nt.am/ru/news/217702/ ![]() ТУРЦИЯ И ИРАН ГРАБЯТ ИРАК. Мы заметили, что около 50% краденной и экспортируемой из Киркука нефти — предназначены для Турции. Этими поставками занимаются две компании: 1) «BMZ Limited», возглавляемая сыном президента Турции Реджепа Тайипа Эрдогана – Биллалом Эрдоганом; 2) международный швейцарский трейдер «Trafigura» – основной деловой партнер компании «Роснефть». Компания «BMZ Limited», возглавляемая ... ТУРЦИЯ И ИРАН ГРАБЯТ ИРАК. Мы заметили, что около 50% краденной и экспортируемой из Киркука нефти — предназначены для Турции. Этими поставками занимаются две компании: 1) «BMZ Limited», возглавляемая сыном президента Турции Реджепа Тайипа Эрдогана – Биллалом Эрдоганом; 2) международный швейцарский трейдер «Trafigura» – основной деловой партнер компании «Роснефть». Компания «BMZ Limited», возглавляемая сыном президента Турции– Биллалом Эрдоганом, был замешен в коррупционном скандал с властями Ирана. Вероятно, что Иранские власти также занимаются контрабандой краденной нефтью из Ирака. А «КСИР» содержится именно на нефтяные деньги....Араик Саргсян, академик, Почётный Консул Македонии в Армении, президент Академии Геополитики, Представитель АМС в Ираке. http://www.nt.am/ru/news/217702/
![]() Пора, пора подвести первые итоги Майдауна Пожалуй, уже можно подвести первые итоги Майдауна, в предверии второй годовщины победы Революции гид... Опубликовал статью "Пора, пора подвести первые итоги Майдауна", заходите на страницу, читайте материал и делайте шеринги в социальных сетях. https://zhestokij-realist.ru/jr/pora-pora-podvesti-pervye-itogi-majdauna/ Пора, пора подвести первые итоги Майдауна Пожалуй, уже можно подвести первые итоги Майдауна, в предверии второй годовщины победы Революции гид... Опубликовал статью "Пора, пора подвести первые итоги Майдауна", заходите на страницу, читайте материал и делайте шеринги в социальных сетях. https://zhestokij-realist.ru/jr/pora-pora-podvesti-pervye-itogi-majdauna/
Понравилось ![]() ![]() На счет, что сами попросятся - вы не правы - никто не разрешит им просить, да и упертые они. Если не будет катаклизмов, то лет 20 они будут только плевать в Россию...
Понравилось ![]() ![]() Вячеслав Куклин, В 90-е ещё жила на Украине ...застала их дикий восторг от разделения ...и была крайне удивлена тому как на Украине подавались новости...сначала на одном канале то, что говорилось в Москве, а через час по украинским новостям всё тоже самое, но перевёрнутое с ног на голову...с обязательным добавлением...живём плохо - виновата Россия...а в то же время наш хорошо знакомый высокий ... Вячеслав Куклин, В 90-е ещё жила на Украине ...застала их дикий восторг от разделения ...и была крайне удивлена тому как на Украине подавались новости...сначала на одном канале то, что говорилось в Москве, а через час по украинским новостям всё тоже самое, но перевёрнутое с ног на голову...с обязательным добавлением...живём плохо - виновата Россия...а в то же время наш хорошо знакомый высокий начальник потирал руки , не стесняясь, и говорил...как хорошо ловит рыбку в мутной воде....а стали жить они плохо уже через несколько лет...и соответственно люто винить во всём Россию...сегодня быстро уйдут из жизни те украинцы, которые ещё помнят СССР, а остальным уже внушили...живём плохо --виновата Россия...
![]() Циничный вассалитет тявкает на Путина В начале 2015 года англосаксонские СМИ и лично барак Обама продолжили компанию травли и демонизации ... Читаем новую статью https://zhestokij-realist.ru/jr/tsinichnyj-vassalitet-tyavkaet-na-putina/ Делаем репосты и ставим лайки. Спасибо.
Понравилось ![]() ![]() Лауреат Обама завидует изгою Путину Из эпопеи охоты на изгоя Путина.
Травля Путина на Западе уверенно перетекла из ... Добрый день, читайте новую статью «Лауреат Обама завидует изгою Путину» в моём блоге. Обсуждаем и делаем репосты в социальные сети. Заранее спасибо! https://zhestokij-realist.ru/jr/laureat-obama-zaviduet-izgoyu-putinu/ Лауреат Обама завидует изгою Путину Из эпопеи охоты на изгоя Путина.
Травля Путина на Западе уверенно перетекла из ... Добрый день, читайте новую статью «Лауреат Обама завидует изгою Путину» в моём блоге. Обсуждаем и делаем репосты в социальные сети. Заранее спасибо! https://zhestokij-realist.ru/jr/laureat-obama-zaviduet-izgoyu-putinu/
Понравилось ![]() ![]() Вукраина подтвердила аксиомы Геббельса Как мы уже упомянули, в арсенале современного журналиста, на Западе, есть огромный набор из сортов л... Добрый вечер, читайте новую статью «Вукраина подтвердила аксиомы Геббельса» в моём блоге. https://zhestokij-realist.ru/jr/vukraina-podtverdila-aksiomy-gebbelsa/
Понравилось ![]() ![]() На смерть выдающегося Политика Евгения Примакова! Примаков – патриот, и всю свою жизнь он посвятил служению России. (с) Владимир Путин
26 июн... Примаков – патриот, и всю свою жизнь он посвятил служению России. (с) Владимир Путин ![]() Gas war of Turkey with Russia; Turkish alternatives.(Continuation, beginning: http://rusdozor.ru/2016/01/19/gazovaya-vojna-turcii-s-rossiej-tureckie-alternativy/ ).Expert assessment of Academy of Geopolitics.Economy ... Gas war of Turkey with Russia; Turkish alternatives.(Continuation, beginning: http://rusdozor.ru/2016/01/19/gazovaya-vojna-turcii-s-rossiej-tureckie-alternativy/ ).Expert assessment of Academy of Geopolitics.Economy of natural gas of the Iraqi Kurdistan.Coming back to the main subject of our research, to a subject of real reserves of natural gas to KA, it is necessary to notice that our experts specially visited Kurdistan, for studying of a situation on a place.The Iraqi Kurdistan has rich oil fields and natural gas who still weren’t exploited. In the territory Kurdistan natural gas burns for nothing.The natural gas mixed with water on the earth in an arable land around Chemchemal between Suleymaniya and Kirkuk burns in the empty. The owner of an arable land Helet Kerim told us that they dug a well of 90 meters in depth for watering of the earth and together with water a subsoil of the earth left gas. According to him, after that gas ignited and started burning and still continues to burn. In Kurdistan there are many points of ignition from gas that proves rich sources of natural gas.On the other hand, the head of the commission on area power Suleymaniya Galip Muhammad noted that in Suleymaniye there are rich natural gas fields: «in Suleymaniye there are about 1,0 trillion cubic meters not — the divorced reserves of natural gas». According to him, about 40% of natural gas of Kurdistan are in the area Mr. Suleymaniya.It is necessary to notice that natural gas in Suleymaniye is the most qualitative gas in Iraq, but still gas production isn’t made here. The basis of natural gas is made by methane (CH4) — the elementary hydrocarbon (the organic compound consisting of atoms of carbon and hydrogen). Usually heavier hydrocarbons, methane homologs also are its part: ethane (C2H6), propane (C3H, butane (C4H10) and some not — hydrocarbonic impurity. In Suleymaniye natural gas can exist in the form of the gas deposits which are in layers of some rocks in the form of gas caps (over oil), and also in the dissolved or crystal look. In these areas the level of methane (CH4) as a part of natural gas is reached to 94%.In turn, the head of the commission on power of parliament of regional Kurdistan Sherko Dzhevdet told us: » Kurdistan can satisfy needs of Turkey and Europe for natural gas». He told that the Kurdish autonomy has rich oil fields and natural gas which still remain without operation. He noted that because regional Kurdistan has no necessary strategy in the energy sector, these fields can’t be exploitation in the correct form, and continued the words: «between regional Kurdistan and Turkey the agreement on the beginning of supply of natural gas to Turkey, in 2017 is reached strategic. Mediation of Turkey natural gas of regional Kurdistan will be delivered to Europe. Regional Kurdistan can fill the emptiness created in connection with a possible stop of supply of natural gas of Russia to Turkey».We managed to learn that Sherko Dzhevdet has the British nationality, long ago trades in illicit Iraqi oil, bypassing authorities of Iraq. Oil is bought by the Anglo-Turkish company «GENEL» …In the capital of the Kurdish autonomy, in Erbile, during our meetings with leaders of the Iraqi Kurdistan, they declared to us that Kurdistan is ready to enter the world market of gas. They are going to deliver natural gas to all Middle East, including – Turkey. By their calculations, reserves of gas have to be enough for 30 years of uninterrupted deliveries. In spite of the fact that the necessary infrastructure isn’t adjusted yet. The Iraqi Kurdistan is going to deliver natural gas across all Middle East. One of the main partners Kurds see Turkey to which are ready to provide supply of gas within the next 30 years.«The ministry of natural resources of the Iraqi Kurdistan is going to deliver natural gas to the world markets. Thus we will take the place on the world power card», – we were declared by the member of the commission on power of parliament of regional Kurdistan Beyara Doski. In turn, the Minister of Natural Resources of KA Ashti Havrami noted that all necessary infrastructure is already ready. Nevertheless, gas supply didn’t begin yet. We could learn that mister A. Havrami to dissemble a little because we couldn’t see with own eyes the gas pipeline on which Kurds will deliver natural gas to Turkey.Most likely the policy is replaced here. For example, the other day the head of commission on power of NATO Tony Hayvard hurried to assure that the reconnoitered gas in KA (by his calculations — about 2,5 trillion cubic meters) will be enough Turkey for many years ahead. «It is enough this quantity to provide all needs of Turkey for natural gas for 50 years. Thus, this gas will be able to exempt Turkey as from purchases of the Russian, and Iranian gas, and to provide the country with cheaper gas, than bought today», – he assured.Slyness of the Minister of Natural Resources of KA Ashti Havrami consisted also that Iraq, and a Kurdish autonomy, need consumption of natural gas. There is very big shortage of natural gas in these regions. They buy natural gas from the next Iran; I told us about it at a meeting Latif Sheikh Omar who opposes policy of a clan of Masoud Barzana. Latif Sheikh Omar is the Leader of the party of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) in the city of Suleymaniya which is an ancestral lands ex-. president of Iraq Dzhalyal Talabni. According to its data, the first pipeline on which the Iranian natural gas reached Baghdad already works. On this project Iran exports about 4 million cubic meters of gas to Baghdad daily. This volume will gradually increase to 25 million cubic meters a day. According to Latif Sheikh of Omar, Iran already transports on the second gas pipeline bearing the Iranian gas to Iraq through Basra, of 35 million cubic meters a day. These two pipelines together have an opportunity to increase gas export of Iran to Iraq to 70 million cubic meters a day. Gas from Iran is delivered to Iraq on the 270-kilometer main gas pipeline from the Iranian field South Pars in the Persian Gulf. The energy carrier will be used for power generation at three Iraqi combined heat and power plants. The majority Iraqi power plants work at natural gas.To be continued.Arayik Sargsyan, academician, Honourable Consul of Macedonia in Armenia, President of Academy of Geopolitics. http://rusdozor.ru/2016/01/25/gazovaya-vojna-turcii-s-rossiej-tureckie-alternativy-2/
![]() Gas war of Turkey with Russia; Turkish alternatives.(Continuation, beginning: http://rusdozor.ru/2016/01/19/gazovaya-vojna-turcii-s-rossiej-tureckie-alternativy/ ).Expert assessment of Academy of Geopolitics.Economy ... Gas war of Turkey with Russia; Turkish alternatives.(Continuation, beginning: http://rusdozor.ru/2016/01/19/gazovaya-vojna-turcii-s-rossiej-tureckie-alternativy/ ).Expert assessment of Academy of Geopolitics.Economy of natural gas of the Iraqi Kurdistan.Coming back to the main subject of our research, to a subject of real reserves of natural gas to KA, it is necessary to notice that our experts specially visited Kurdistan, for studying of a situation on a place.The Iraqi Kurdistan has rich oil fields and natural gas who still weren’t exploited. In the territory Kurdistan natural gas burns for nothing.The natural gas mixed with water on the earth in an arable land around Chemchemal between Suleymaniya and Kirkuk burns in the empty. The owner of an arable land Helet Kerim told us that they dug a well of 90 meters in depth for watering of the earth and together with water a subsoil of the earth left gas. According to him, after that gas ignited and started burning and still continues to burn. In Kurdistan there are many points of ignition from gas that proves rich sources of natural gas.On the other hand, the head of the commission on area power Suleymaniya Galip Muhammad noted that in Suleymaniye there are rich natural gas fields: «in Suleymaniye there are about 1,0 trillion cubic meters not — the divorced reserves of natural gas». According to him, about 40% of natural gas of Kurdistan are in the area Mr. Suleymaniya.It is necessary to notice that natural gas in Suleymaniye is the most qualitative gas in Iraq, but still gas production isn’t made here. The basis of natural gas is made by methane (CH4) — the elementary hydrocarbon (the organic compound consisting of atoms of carbon and hydrogen). Usually heavier hydrocarbons, methane homologs also are its part: ethane (C2H6), propane (C3H, butane (C4H10) and some not — hydrocarbonic impurity. In Suleymaniye natural gas can exist in the form of the gas deposits which are in layers of some rocks in the form of gas caps (over oil), and also in the dissolved or crystal look. In these areas the level of methane (CH4) as a part of natural gas is reached to 94%.In turn, the head of the commission on power of parliament of regional Kurdistan Sherko Dzhevdet told us: » Kurdistan can satisfy needs of Turkey and Europe for natural gas». He told that the Kurdish autonomy has rich oil fields and natural gas which still remain without operation. He noted that because regional Kurdistan has no necessary strategy in the energy sector, these fields can’t be exploitation in the correct form, and continued the words: «between regional Kurdistan and Turkey the agreement on the beginning of supply of natural gas to Turkey, in 2017 is reached strategic. Mediation of Turkey natural gas of regional Kurdistan will be delivered to Europe. Regional Kurdistan can fill the emptiness created in connection with a possible stop of supply of natural gas of Russia to Turkey».We managed to learn that Sherko Dzhevdet has the British nationality, long ago trades in illicit Iraqi oil, bypassing authorities of Iraq. Oil is bought by the Anglo-Turkish company «GENEL» …In the capital of the Kurdish autonomy, in Erbile, during our meetings with leaders of the Iraqi Kurdistan, they declared to us that Kurdistan is ready to enter the world market of gas. They are going to deliver natural gas to all Middle East, including – Turkey. By their calculations, reserves of gas have to be enough for 30 years of uninterrupted deliveries. In spite of the fact that the necessary infrastructure isn’t adjusted yet. The Iraqi Kurdistan is going to deliver natural gas across all Middle East. One of the main partners Kurds see Turkey to which are ready to provide supply of gas within the next 30 years.«The ministry of natural resources of the Iraqi Kurdistan is going to deliver natural gas to the world markets. Thus we will take the place on the world power card», – we were declared by the member of the commission on power of parliament of regional Kurdistan Beyara Doski. In turn, the Minister of Natural Resources of KA Ashti Havrami noted that all necessary infrastructure is already ready. Nevertheless, gas supply didn’t begin yet. We could learn that mister A. Havrami to dissemble a little because we couldn’t see with own eyes the gas pipeline on which Kurds will deliver natural gas to Turkey.Most likely the policy is replaced here. For example, the other day the head of commission on power of NATO Tony Hayvard hurried to assure that the reconnoitered gas in KA (by his calculations — about 2,5 trillion cubic meters) will be enough Turkey for many years ahead. «It is enough this quantity to provide all needs of Turkey for natural gas for 50 years. Thus, this gas will be able to exempt Turkey as from purchases of the Russian, and Iranian gas, and to provide the country with cheaper gas, than bought today», – he assured.Slyness of the Minister of Natural Resources of KA Ashti Havrami consisted also that Iraq, and a Kurdish autonomy, need consumption of natural gas. There is very big shortage of natural gas in these regions. They buy natural gas from the next Iran; I told us about it at a meeting Latif Sheikh Omar who opposes policy of a clan of Masoud Barzana. Latif Sheikh Omar is the Leader of the party of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) in the city of Suleymaniya which is an ancestral lands ex-. president of Iraq Dzhalyal Talabni. According to its data, the first pipeline on which the Iranian natural gas reached Baghdad already works. On this project Iran exports about 4 million cubic meters of gas to Baghdad daily. This volume will gradually increase to 25 million cubic meters a day. According to Latif Sheikh of Omar, Iran already transports on the second gas pipeline bearing the Iranian gas to Iraq through Basra, of 35 million cubic meters a day. These two pipelines together have an opportunity to increase gas export of Iran to Iraq to 70 million cubic meters a day. Gas from Iran is delivered to Iraq on the 270-kilometer main gas pipeline from the Iranian field South Pars in the Persian Gulf. The energy carrier will be used for power generation at three Iraqi combined heat and power plants. The majority Iraqi power plants work at natural gas.To be continued.Arayik Sargsyan, academician, Honourable Consul of Macedonia in Armenia, President of Academy of Geopolitics. http://rusdozor.ru/2016/01/25/gazovaya-vojna-turcii-s-rossiej-tureckie-alternativy-2/
![]() GAS WAR OF TURKEY WITH RUSSIA; TURKISH ALTERNATIVES.ARAYIK SARGSYAN — 17.02.2016 (Continuation, beginning: http://rusdozor.ru/2016/01/19/gazovaya-vojna-turcii-s-rossiej-tureckie-alternativy/ , http://rusdozor ... GAS WAR OF TURKEY WITH RUSSIA; TURKISH ALTERNATIVES.ARAYIK SARGSYAN — 17.02.2016
(Continuation, beginning: http://rusdozor.ru/2016/01/19/gazovaya-vojna-turcii-s-rossiej-tureckie-alternativy/ , http://rusdozor .ru/2016/01/25/gazovaya-vojna-turcii-s-rossiej-tureckie-alternativy-2/ ). Expert assessment of Academy of Geopolitics. Economy of natural gas of the Iraqi Kurdistan. Gas «war» between Russia and Turkey will soon come to the end. We will remind; Turkey was compelled to look for new potential suppliers of natural gas after cancellation of construction by Russia of «The Turkish stream». On this international power hub to Turkey had to pass about 32 billion KBM of gas a year. However, on our supervision, Turkey actively increases purchases of gas in Russia. According to our data, in the IV quarter 2015 (after four quarters of falling in a row) export of «Gazprom» to Turkey can grow approximately by 1 billion KBM in comparison with October-December, 2014, having compensated if not all, then most part of falling of the last quarters. Growth of volumes of gas offtake by Turkey contrasts with recent comments of the Turkish politicians, about readiness of Turkey to reduce consumption of the Russian gas due to growth of deliveries from other sources (Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Israel, Qatar and Kurdistan) against the general political tension. It is authentically known that since December 9 with head through GIS «Orlovka» (along this corridor gas is received by the West of Turkey, and also Bulgaria, Romania, Greece, Macedonia) supply of the Russian gas came to the maximum level — over 68 million cubic meters per day. In this connection if this dynamics is consolidated in the remained days of the expiring year, in the IV quarter 2015 «Gazprom» can deliver to Turkey 7,5 billion cubic meters of gas after 6,59 billion cubic meters in the IV quarter 2014. Following the results of 2015 the Russian export to Turkey can develop at the level of 27 billion cubic meters after 27,334 billion cubic meters in 2014. It seems to us that the acute political crisis between Moscow and Ankara led to that Turkey — the last growing market of «Gazprom» — followed the example of Europe and started looking for alternative to the Russian gas. Ankara wants to accelerate obtaining new volumes from Azerbaijan, to construct the gas pipeline of Kurdistan and thinks of additional purchases of LNG at Qatar. According to the Minister of Natural Resources of KA Ashti Havrami, Turkey expects to export natural gas from Kurdistan annually of 4,0 billion m ³. The most real the Qatar option, but, by estimates of our experts looks, additional purchases of the liquefied gas for political reasons will lead to financial losses for Turkey. On it Turkey decided to strengthen the military presence in Qatar and creates the VS base of Turkey, for placement of 3000 soldiers. We think that gas lobbyists in Moscow and in Ankara will be able to smooth all geopolitical disputes between Russia and Turkey. It should be noted that except Turkish the companies «Talisman Energy», «Genel Energy», the BMZ Limited company (headed by the son of the president of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan), in the Iraqi Kurdistan also the Iraqi state company «North Oil (NOC)», but it the Kurds who are under control works. It is curious that in two days prior to our arrival to KA,14 of December in the city of Kirkuk, from hands of Kurds the top manager of the state oil-extracting company of Iraq — «North Oil Company» Hassan Salim was lost. He became the third high-ranking employee of the company, the dead in four months. It is considered that oil stocks of the Iraqi Kurdistan — the sixth in the world in size and total 45,0 billion barrels. Kurdistan oil makes 60% got in Iraq. The center of all Iraqi oil production is the Iraqi city of Kirkuk which was seized a year ago by «Peshmerga» from Masoud Barzana’s DPK. However, in the territory of KA of Iraq oil still wasn’t developed though it also has rich fields — around Suleymaniya (where oil is extracted in the handicraft way), to the northeast from Erbil, and also around Dakhuk and Zakho. Since the end of 2005 development of the last field, and behind it also fields near Suleymaniya is begun. Relative safety and stability in the region allowed KA to sign a number of investment contracts with the foreign companies. In 2006 the first new oil well, from the moment of invasion into Iraq of troops of NATO, was drilled in Kurdistan by the Norwegian energy company «DNO». According to initial data, the field contains not less than 100 million barrels (16000000 m3) of oil. Gas and connected reserves of gas exceed 2800 km3 (100×1012 a cube of foots). Other known companies working in Kurdistan include «Exxon», «Total», «Chevron», «Talisman Energy», «Genel Energy», «Hunt Oil», «Gazprom neft», «Lukoil», «Gulf Keystone Petroleum» and «Marathon Oil». Kurdistan sells oil on a straight line to Turks, around to Baghdad. This step from the Regional government of Kurdistan can lead to reduction of number of potential buyers of oil as the majority of the large energy companies don’t want to spoil the relation with Baghdad because of trade in oil. The federal government in the past threatened to interrupt cooperation with the companies which work directly with Erbil. At the moment the foreign operators working in Kurdistan have not the best times. Because of reduction of prices of oil and continuous disputes on the issue of oil supply a boundary by the federal government of Iraq and administration of Kurdistan, to four foreign operators — «Genel Energy», «BMZ Limited», to «Gulf Keystone Petroleum» and «DNO» — the government of KA owed hundreds of millions dollars. «Genel Energy», «BMZ Limited», «Gulf Keystone Petroleum» and «DNO» dominate in the market of export of oil from the Iraqi Kurdistan. For example: English-Turkish «Genel Energy» which actions lost in price more than 60% for the last year, since December, 2014 didn’t receive anything from the Regional government of Kurdistan. According to the updated information, the company declared that the government of Kurdistan owed it $378 million in comparison with $230 million for the end of 2013. However «Genel» secured itself «a monetary pillow» in $470 million while the debt makes $220 million. Production of «Genel», including production on a Taq Taq field, grew, reaching 100 thousand barrels per day in days of the maximum loading, and the company supports the forecast for the income for 2015 from $350 million to $400 million, proceeding from the price in $50 for Brent oil barrel. However the company cuts down capital expenses, postponing projects on drilling on following, 2016. One more company — «Gulf Keystone», the government of Kurdistan owed it about $250 million. And it is in more difficult situation. Its actions strongly lost in price. Besides, the company already now conducts negotiations on an occasion of sale of the assets or all business. And as the company didn’t receive any payment for the work on a Shaikan field, is high the probability of that the company will face very serious consequences. The Norwegian company «DNO», the operator on a Tawke field, received from the Kurdish government only $13,5 million, including local sales, in the I quarter 2015. It is considered that Kurdistan ran into debt the companies from $500 million to $1 billion. In Erbile, during our visit to the Ministry of Economics and finance of the Iraqi Kurdistan, we managed to receive information on the oil income of Kurdistan. Only in November $100 million received for the account of sale of oil were deposited to the account in the Central bank of the USA and are ready to transfer to Kurdistan. According to our interlocutor from the Ministry of Economics and finance, this money will be sent to two payments, and the first payment will be sent this week. He also reported that this money will go for payment of a December salary to public servants.Kurdistan around to Baghdad exports oil since May 22, 2014. Since then 142 tankers in the Turkish Ceyhan oil with which was sold for the sum of $13,5 billion of the USA was shipped agreed to direct money as it is the oil income of Kurdistan, and oil was exported before conclusion of agreement between Erbil and Baghdad in December of last year. According to the agreement concluded between the USA and Iraq in 2003, the part of the income from oil production of Iraq and Kurdistan is stored in Federal bank of the USA.According to our interlocutor: «the KA have also oil money in the Deutsche and British Banks, and also in branches of the Lebanese bank «Byblos» in all countries of the region; and that Kurds can’t transfer this money to Kurdistan yet». Reserves of oil and gas in Kurdistan by estimates reach 73 billion barrels of an oil equivalent, that is Kurdistan is very important region from the point of view of power. From Russia in KA the Gazprom Neft and Lukoil companies work. «Gazprom Neft» received projects in the territory of Kurdistan in 2012, having signed production sharing agreements concerning the Garmian and Shakal blocks located in the southwest of an autonomy. In February, 2013 the Production Sharing Agreement on one more block — «Halabja» was signed.The share of «Gazprom Neft» in the Garmian block makes 40%. On Shakal and Halabja blocks in which the share of «Gazprom Neft» makes 80%, the company already has the status of the operator of the project. A share of the regional government of Kurdistan in all three agreements — 20%. The Production Sharing Agreement mode provides that the company will receive a share in volumes of the extracted oil. By estimates for the end of 2013, geological stocks of three blocks made more than 1 billion tons of oil.«Gazprom Neft Middle East», the subsidiary of «Gazprom Neft», realizes prospecting projects in Kurdish autonomies of the Republic of Iraq. About work of «Lukoil» we in Suleymaniya were told that most likely, in KA management of this company is engaged in money laundering from the Russian Federation. To the main lobbyists of «Gazprom Neft», in KA from politicians of Kurdistan, it is possible to carry: Bakhtiyar’s mall — the head of executive committee of the politburo of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), Omar Fattaja-the member of executive committee of PB PSK, Latif Sheikh of Omar — the head of the PSK organization in Suleymaniya, Aso Ferydoon — the governor Suleymaniya, the representative of KA in Russia — Aso of Talabani and others. To be continued. Arayik Sargsyan, academician, Honourable Consul of Macedonia in Armenia, President of Academy of Geopolitics. P. S.During a meeting with Pratiya’s representative «Gooran» («Changes», «Movement») of Kurdistan, we knew that about 50% of the oil exported from KA are intended for Israel. Two companies are engaged in these deliveries: 1) «BMZ Limited» headed by the son of the president of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan – Bilal Erdogan; 2) the international Swiss trader of «Trafigura» – the main business partner of the «Rosneft» company which is headed by mister Igor Sechin. He claims that Israelis buy up real estate in the regions of Iraq controlled by «The Islamic state» (ISIL). The Israeli businessmen buy houses in the north of Iraq in the Southern Kurdistan, for construction of the Jewish settlements there. He refers to local real estate agencies in the city of Mosul which sell the houses left by the Christians and Yazidi who left these areas seized by «The Islamic state». From his words, these houses are bought up at the «attractive» prices by Israelis. He claims that more than 3000 Jews already lodged in the Iraqi Kurdistan. Proceeding from it, the politician from Gooran party assume that Israel and Sunni «The Islamic state» are in arrangement. It showed us and the official statement of the Prime minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu who started talking about support of the country of independence of Kurdistan again. Recently in the performance in Tel Aviv, B. Netanyahu told: «we have to cooperate with Kurds, in such region of Iraq rich with oil». Concerning achievement of dream of Kurds of formation of the own state, Netanyahu was expressed as follows: «The fighting Kurdish people which kept the promises of political obligations are worthy independence». Our interlocutor assumes that to geopolitical plans of Turkey, Israel and Saudi Arabia in Iraq really can Iran opposes. And Iran will enter the troops into Mosul and, perhaps soon, into the city of Erbil that will overthrow Barzani …http://rusdozor.ru/2016/02/17/gazovaya-vojna-turcii-s-rossiej-tureckie-alternativy-3/ ![]() Японский концерн продал долю в американском сланцевом бизнесе за $1 Японская корпорация Itochu возвращает прежним владельцам долю в американской компании — операторе сл... Японский концерн продал долю в американском сланцевом бизнесе за $1 ![]() More than 63% of voters voted for the constitutional reforms in Armenia Changes assume transition to the parliamentary form of government in the country. By this o'clock it is processed slightly less than a half of bulletins of a Sunday referendum. According to the CEC, the appearance on a referendum exceeded 50%. The Armenian opposition demanded to recognize invalid results of today's vote on a ... More than 63% of voters voted for the constitutional
reforms in Armenia Changes assume transition to the parliamentary form of government in the country. By this o'clock it is processed slightly less than a half of bulletins of a Sunday referendum. According to the CEC, the appearance on a referendum exceeded 50%. The Armenian opposition demanded to recognize invalid results of today's vote on a referendum on the constitutional reform. The referendum happened to serious violations and collected the extremely small amount of voices — the president of Academy of geopolitics of Armenia Arayik Sargsyan explained to "Echo Moscow". According to him, reform is necessary to the Armenian authorities for recognition in Europe. According to Sargsyan, the protest of opposition won't lead to serious consequences. http://echo.msk.ru/news/1672310-echo.html ![]() The opposition in Armenia demands to recognize invalid results of a referendum on change of the Constitution The question of transition to the parliamentary republic was submitted for vote today. Protests in Yerevan are connected by serious violations, the president of Academy of geopolitics of Armenia Arayik Sargsyan explained to "Echo Moscow" Officially results of a referendum didn't ... The
opposition in Armenia demands to recognize invalid results of a referendum on change of the Constitution The question of transition to the parliamentary republic was submitted for vote today. Protests in Yerevan are connected by serious violations, the president of Academy of geopolitics of Armenia Arayik Sargsyan explained to "Echo Moscow" Officially results of a referendum didn't appear yet. http://echo.msk.ru/news/1672184-echo.html ![]() Gas war of Turkey with Russia; Turkish alternatives. Expert assessment of Academy of Geopolitics. Economy of natural gas of the Iraqi Kurdistan. Reserves of natural gas in the north of Iraq, in particular in the territory of the Kurdish autonomy in the north of Iraq weren't studied at Saddam Hussein's board, and not today. Still weren't conducted serezny prospecting to work in business ... Gas
war of Turkey with Russia; Turkish alternatives. Expert assessment of Academy of Geopolitics. Economy of natural gas of the Iraqi Kurdistan. Reserves of natural gas in the north of Iraq, in particular in the territory of the Kurdish autonomy in the north of Iraq weren't studied at Saddam Hussein's board, and not today. Still weren't conducted serezny prospecting to work in business studying of reserves of natural gas in the Kurdish autonomy in the north of Iraq. By calculations of experts, natural gas which accompanies (so nazivayemy associated oil gas, generally - methane) at oil production in all wells in the Kurdish autonomy (further - KA) for 01.09.2015 approximately is made by 2,5 billion KBM. Associated oil gas — the mix of gases which is allocated from hydrocarbons of any phase state, consisting of methane, ethane, propane, butane and isobutane, containing the high-molecular liquids dissolved in it (from pentanes above on growth of a homological row) and various structure and a phase condition of impurity. In KA of Iraq such gas in most cases is simply burned on torches. At the moment in all territory of KA volumes of the extracted, utilized and burned APG can't be estimated due to the lack on many fields of gas metering stations. By rough estimates it is about 2,5 billion m ³. It is also possible to use associated oil gas on power installations for power generation — it allows the KA oil companies to solve a problem of power supply of crafts, without resorting to purchase of the electric power from Turkey. Besides, APG can be forced back in layer that allows to increase oil recovery level from layer. This way is called saykling-process, but in KA there are no such technologies. So Turkey won't be able to count on receiving from the Kurdish autonomy of Iraq of associated oil gas of 2,5 billion m ³. Remains to Turkey hopes for import of natural gas from KA. The total amount of the divorced reserves of natural gas in the Iraqi Kurdistan for 01.09.2015 approximately makes 42,0 billion m ³. Why Turkey solved on such extraordinary step to export natural gas from the Iraqi Kurdistan? The matter is that after aggression with storony the Turkish Air Force against the Russian Su-24 bomber, on November 24 over the territory of Syria, the government of Russia imposed economic sanctions against Turkey. These sanctions concerned also export of the Russian gas to Turkey. In response to it Turkey started looking for alternative sources of supply of natural gas to Turkey. One of the direction for supply to Turkey of natural gas is also the Iraqi Kurdistan. The Kurdish autonomy in the north of Iraq isn't subject of international law, but de facto left from under control of authorities of the Iraqi state. The Kurdish autonomy of Iraq since September, 2014 conducts sepratny negotiations with Turkey, illegally sells oil to Turkey, in volume of the 580th thousand barrels, on average in days. Kurdistan I exported 18,023,075 barrels of crude oil (on average 600,769 barrels a day (barrels per day)), in November through a network of pipelines of Kurdistan to Ceyhan port to Turkey. From this sum, the oil fields operated by KRG extract 13,023,266 barrels (434 109 barrels per day on average) while the oil fields operated by North Oil Company extract 4,999,809 barrels (on average 166,660 barrels per day). In November, KA continued to increase direct sales of oil in the Turkish port Ceyhan. After export of oil from KA, Turkey decided to buy and natural gas from the Kurdish autonomy of Iraq, ignoring opinion of official Baghdad. Everything began on December 4, 2015 with input (annexation) of troops of Turkey to the territory of northern Iraq, to the city of Bashik which is located at distance in 38 km in the north – the East Mosul in the province Naynava. According to information received by us on a place, in the territory of the Iraqi Kurdistan constantly are present more than 1500 turtskikh of soldiers with equipment at four bases since 1995 under the contract the signed president Masoud Barzani, then on the basis to fight against terrorism of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (KWP). Barzana's clan wages war with Kurds from RPK long ago. The first VS base of Turkey in the Iraqi Kurdistan, is air base for the Bamerni helicopters in 25km from Dokhuk; Second base: "Kani Masi" to the North from Dokhuk; Trety base: "Sirs" not far from the city of Zakho; Fourth VS base of Turkey: "Diriluk" is in 40 km from the city of Imadiya. Since June, 2014 the second-large city of Iraq, Mosul was seized by radikalny Islamic vooruzhenny groups, with assistance of Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar. It is necessary will emphasize that the city of Mosul is to included into administrative territorialnny structure of the Kurdish autonomy in the north of Iraq. Entering the troops into Iraq, Turkey takes under the military контрол oil and gas platforms of Iraq. Namely near Mosul including in the neighborhood of the city of Bashik the main gas mesterozhdeniye are located. Having seized the Iraqi city of Bashik, the Turkish VS de facto took gas mesterozhdeniye of Mosul. Other strategischeky task at the tretskikh of troops consists in, that together with the Kurdish armed groups ("Пешмерга") under control to a family clan of Masoud Barzana of the Democratic Party of Kurdistan (DPK). It is necessary to notice that Masoud Barzany who formally is the president of the Kurdish Autonomy of Iraq, visited from December 9 to December 11 Ankara and met the president and the prime minister of Turkey. During this visit agreements on supply of gas from KA to Turkey and were reached upon construction новог a gazaprovd in 2016 from KA to Turkey. During this visit of the power of Turkey agreed also on all issues military стратегическогохарактера on stay the turechkikh of VS in KA. Here it is and about joint military operation VS of Turkey and Kurdish Peshmerga to Mosul. The one who sozht to take (to free) Mosul of Iraq, that and will begin to control all oil and gas stocks of northern Iraq and Mosul, in particular. Arayik Sargsyan, the academician, the honourable consul of Macedonia in Armenia, the president of Academy of geopolitics To be continued. http://www.prezidentpress.ru/news/3769-gazovaya-voyna-turcii-s-rossiey-tureckie-alternativy.html http://knowpc.ru/razgovory-obo-vsem/gazovaja-vojna-turcii-s-rossiej-tureckie-alternativy/msg69105/#msg69105 ![]() СМИ: экстремисты из «Исламского государства» начали чеканить собственные золотые монеты Стоимость одного исламского динара, которые, как ожидается, скоро поступят в обращение, равняется, п... СМИ: экстремисты из "Исламского государства" начали чеканить собственные золотые монеты СМИ: экстремисты из «Исламского государства» начали чеканить собственные золотые монеты Стоимость одного исламского динара, которые, как ожидается, скоро поступят в обращение, равняется, п... СМИ: экстремисты из "Исламского государства" начали чеканить собственные золотые монеты ![]() Американские НПЗ начали закупать российскую нефть НПЗ на западном побережье США и Гавайях начали закупки российской нефти, сообщает Reuters со ссылкой... Американские НПЗ начали закупать российскую нефть ![]() ВАЛЮТНАЯ ВОЙНА США ПРОТИВ КИТАЯ: КИТАЙ ПОБЕЖДАЕТ. Экспертная оценка Академии Геополитики. Мы обратили ваше внимание на процесс гибридной войны между англо саксамы против народа Китая :. И все начался с законного обращения ЦБ Китая в МВФ, о включении китайского юаня в корзину резервных валют мировой финансовой системы. Здесь мы попробуем оценить финансовый аспект парадигмы валютных войн МВФ (ФРС ... ВАЛЮТНАЯ ВОЙНА США ПРОТИВ КИТАЯ: КИТАЙ ПОБЕЖДАЕТ. Экспертная оценка Академии Геополитики. Мы обратили ваше внимание на процесс гибридной войны между англо саксамы против народа Китая :. И все начался с законного обращения ЦБ Китая в МВФ, о включении китайского юаня в корзину резервных валют мировой финансовой системы. Здесь мы попробуем оценить финансовый аспект парадигмы валютных войн МВФ (ФРС США) с Китаем. Так, 12 июня, когда основной индекс Китая Shanghai Composite достиг максимального в этом году значения, капитализация фондового рынка страны сократилась на $4,5 трлн. — это сопоставимо с размером всего рынка акций Японии. Только за последние два дня Shanghai Composite потерял 15%, в понедельник китайский обвал вызвал распродажу акций по всему миру. В отличие от июньского падения, когда китайские власти бросили все силы на поддержку национального рынка акций (они массово приостанавливали торги по инструментам, обязывали государственных брокеров выделить ресурсы на стабилизацию рынка, мобилизовали подконтрольные фонды для скупки бумаг и т.д.), на этот раз Пекин, похоже, не собирается вмешиваться в ситуацию непосредственно на фондовом рынке... Две трети новых инвесторов в Китае так и не окончили школу, покинув ее в возрасте до 15 лет, показало опубликованное в марте 2015 года исследование о финансовом положении китайских домохозяйств некоммерческой организации The Survey and Research Center for China Household Finance. Иными словами, для Китая фондовый рынок сейчас имеет скорее политическое значение, нежели экономическое. И его глобальная значимость сильно преувеличена; возможно имеет смысл паниковать по поводу замедления китайского экономического роста, но только не по поводу обвала местного рынка акций. Начавшееся в минувшем году удорожание акций китайских компаний носило спекулятивный характер и не было следствием улучшения фундаментальных факторов — этот пузырь неизбежно должен был лопнуть. Напрямую пострадают от этого лишь иностранцы, владеющие китайскими акциями, но это, лишь 1,5% инвесторов на китайском рынке. Вот показатели Китайского фондового рынока в цифрах: а) $10,27 трлн. составляла суммарная капитализация компаний с листингом на биржах материкового Китая —Шанхай и Шэнчжэнь — по состоянию на конец мая (перед началом падения рынка); б) $8,15 трлн. — капитализация бирж на конец июля; в) 2,8 тыс. компаний торговались на материковых биржах Китая на конец июля; г) на 132% выросла капитализация Шанхайской фондовой биржи с июня 2014 года по июнь 2015 года; д) на 43% упал основной китайский индекс Shanghai Composite с 12 июня 2015 года (начало падения) по 25 августа; е) менее 7% городского населения Китая располагают какими-либо инвестициями в фондовый рынок : для сравнения, 55% американцев инвестируют в фондовый рынок...Меры стимулирования, финансирование инфраструктурных и природоохранных проектов — более эффективное средство повышения прибылей китайских компаний, хотя это и не относится напрямую к поддержке рынка акций. И власти Китая ожидает победа в этой схватке Китайского дракона с англосаксонским орлом. Араик Саргсян, Президент Академии Геополитики, академик, Почетный Консул Македонии в Армении.
![]() Arayik Sargsyan: It was the planned military aggression against Russian Armed Forces. On a place of falling of our SU-24 bomber and crew some television cameras, not telephone a type of shooting worked, removed a plane crash from the different parties... At once after aggression of Turks, on a place gives interview for CNN, to Reuters and FOX-TV гражд. Turkey and the son of the head "Gray wolves" ... Arayik Sargsyan: It was the planned
military aggression against Russian Armed Forces. On a place of falling of our SU-24 bomber and crew some television cameras, not telephone a type of shooting worked, removed a plane crash from the different parties... At once after aggression of Turks, on a place gives interview for CNN, to Reuters and FOX-TV гражд. Turkey and the son of the head "Gray wolves" - nationalists of Turkey... All was is in advance prepared... details here - Arayik Sargsyan, the academician, the honourable consul of Macedonia in Armenia, the president of Academy of geopolitics. https://www.youtube.com/watch?%20v=aj4J4Ko9kFY ![]() Совершенно секретно! Они врут… Открою вам по секрету большую тайну: укропы врут по поводу возраста своей древности! … Не верите? Во... Открою вам по секрету большую тайну: укропы врут по поводу возраста своей древности!… Не верите?
Понравилось ![]() ![]() ну это ясно, все произошли от приматов, а они от папоротников
Понравилось ![]() ![]() Пауза, наезд, истерика, вояж – трещит по швам санкционный кураж! Часть 6
И один в поле воин.
В прошлой части мы остановились на Путине. Он опять “сволочь” всех и вся слил... И один в поле воин. ![]() КЗ – свидомого масштаба! С некоторых пор в головах укропитеков с завидной регулярностью происходит КЗ – свидомого масштаба. Т... С некоторых пор в головах укропитеков с завидной регулярностью происходит КЗ – свидомого масштаба. То есть КЗ — местечкового значения. Что такое КЗ? ![]() Обещал Пэдро Неньке вывести её на широкий шлях Вукраинцам всегда везёт на правителей: им их Бог помогает - венерианский
Вот и в этот раз им несказ... Вот так укры и вступили в брачные узы с Пэдро: они были скреплены кровью Одессы и Мариуполя. “Не корысти ради, а токмо волею судьбы, пославшей им халяву”. ![]() Путь в сто лет: от империи к империи!
За последние почти сто лет своей истории России была помещена Западом в чудовищную матрицу социа... Путь в сто лет: от империи к империи! За последние почти сто лет своей истории России была помещена Западом в чудовищную матрицу социальных экспериментов над своим собственным народом. Всякое было за это время: многострадальная Россия в буквальном смысле этих слов прошла “Через огонь, воду и медные трубы”... Далее по ссылке ниже. Путь в сто лет: от империи к империи!
За последние почти сто лет своей истории России была помещена Западом в чудовищную матрицу социа... Путь в сто лет: от империи к империи! За последние почти сто лет своей истории России была помещена Западом в чудовищную матрицу социальных экспериментов над своим собственным народом. Всякое было за это время: многострадальная Россия в буквальном смысле этих слов прошла “Через огонь, воду и медные трубы”... Далее по ссылке ниже. |